Life Style....This is Me is about the things I do in my life.I paint,Craft,do a little photography,write poetry and stories.I'm a pet blogger with Speedy's blog.I love to cook and try to live a healthy life style and keep relatively fit.And I love to travel whether here in the UK or Abroad. Some of the different things I do doesn't always work out, but that's ok....That's life and it's a journey

Friday 16 November 2012

Some more Christmas Cards

As its the season for Christmas cards I thought I would post them on this blog.Some of the cards I make I create from scratch and some create from recycling old cards,pictures,bits of fabric and other bits and bobs that I collect.


  1. Sir Speedy, I bet you help a lot. What are magic closets for if not for gathering bits and bobs. Plus you surround your Mum with so much cuteness, she has to be extra inspired. These really are beautiful cards. I hope you are not going to be too "cheeky" with any of them. Of course, I know you won't.

    1. always make me and Speedy laugh,Perhaps we can do something for Brandi,lets get our heads together and come up with a plan Speedy and Rachel

    2. Hi, Speedy, I thought I left a message here earlier, but I must have done something wrong. Count me in on anything we can do for Brandi. With all the brains and cheekiness you two bring I know you can come up with something and I will do my best to be a good follower. Oh, and does putting our heads together mean I get to nuggle Sir Speedy's ears? Rachel, I love your cards, and Speedy, Jr. was a wonderful gift for our friend Brandi. Thanks for sharing all these doings with us.

    3. Trying to arrange a Google video chat for 10am Brandi's time so she can see speedy,could make it a hang out with you as well through Google plus

    4. Oh, Rachel and Speedy and Speedy's Dad, I am so sorry to have missed the chat. Brandi wrote some really funny stuff about it on her blog. I'm working on being able to do something like that but have some researching to do. I am a novice. Thank you for this kindness to our friend and for giving me an insight into these possibilities. I am looking forward to the day when I can join the party. For now, thank goodness for magic closets and a cheeky bunn.

    5. can do it jane,we have faith in you!Speedy and Rachel xxx

  2. These are beautiful, Speedy!
    : ) Katie

    1. Thank you Katie you're a sweet kitty,Speedy's mum
