Life Style....This is Me is about the things I do in my life.I paint,Craft,do a little photography,write poetry and stories.I'm a pet blogger with Speedy's blog.I love to cook and try to live a healthy life style and keep relatively fit.And I love to travel whether here in the UK or Abroad. Some of the different things I do doesn't always work out, but that's ok....That's life and it's a journey

Sunday 18 November 2012

Sunday Christmas cards

Here are a few more Christmas cards for you to have a nosey at.I baked my Christmas cake last week and yesterday I put the marzipan on so it will be ready for icing it(decorating)next week can't wait,when its done I will post a photo.


  1. Rachel, these are so beautiful! I love getting to see them and hearing about the Christmas cake. I think I may have mentioned a dear friend transplanted from Manchester to Austin who introduced me to the intricacies of preparing a Christmas cake. What good times. Thank you for bringing back old memories and adding new ones. I assume Sir Speedy is helping and that somewhere in a very secret, sealed from magic closets place a special little carrot cake is being prepared for a very special little bunn. Jane

    1. Awww thank you Jane,and yes Speedy always helps...supervising...hehe,Rachel
      P.s don't forget we have faith in you to get the video chat going!xx

  2. Fabulous cards and the cake sounds awesome! I have not made one in a long time!
    Nellie's Mom

    1. I do this every year I never buy cards or a cake,it wouldn't be christmas to me other wise,Speedys mum
