Life Style....This is Me is about the things I do in my life.I paint,Craft,do a little photography,write poetry and stories.I'm a pet blogger with Speedy's blog.I love to cook and try to live a healthy life style and keep relatively fit.And I love to travel whether here in the UK or Abroad. Some of the different things I do doesn't always work out, but that's ok....That's life and it's a journey

Friday 25 January 2013

Pretty Birthday card continue!

Here are some more Birthday card for you to browse through.I love making my cards for all occasion even though they take time to make.but my next project which I have yet to finish is the back bedroom which I shall after my vacation but I have to say that I am looking forward to sharing some photos of that room with its hand painted flowers.

And another Valentine card,this one it a fun one!



  1. These are great, Rachel. Can't wait to see pictures from the back bedroom. AJ

    1. It will be a while but maybe I can give you a sneaky peak of it

  2. Cute! I like the caterpillar one.
