Life Style....This is Me is about the things I do in my life.I paint,Craft,do a little photography,write poetry and stories.I'm a pet blogger with Speedy's blog.I love to cook and try to live a healthy life style and keep relatively fit.And I love to travel whether here in the UK or Abroad. Some of the different things I do doesn't always work out, but that's ok....That's life and it's a journey

Sunday 27 January 2013

Sneaky peak for Auntie Jane!

Here is a sneaky peaky at the hand painted flower in the back bedroom but they are not finished yet!


  1. Thank you, Rachel. I was really excited to see what you had planned. It is wonderful, but isn't that a little (gulp) high?

    1. Not too high I just use a 2 step step ladder if it was higher it would be no way

  2. thanks it will be when its finished
