Life Style....This is Me is about the things I do in my life.I paint,Craft,do a little photography,write poetry and stories.I'm a pet blogger with Speedy's blog.I love to cook and try to live a healthy life style and keep relatively fit.And I love to travel whether here in the UK or Abroad. Some of the different things I do doesn't always work out, but that's ok....That's life and it's a journey

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Two more from Christmas Past

Here's 2 more cards from Christmas Past.On the next post I shall show some Birthday cards as I shan't be making any more Christmas Cards.


  1. The bottom one is just precious!
    OLOVE it
    Nellie's Mom

  2. All these cards are so beautiful. I love the idea of saving and displaying each others cards. Speedy looked so cute when he was opening and reading his. I'm glad we got to see it before it was sent. This year I received a VERY special card myself and I will be saving it, showing it to friends, and loving it forever. Sir Speedy, you Mum certainly does good work!

    1. Awww you're making me blush*shuffling feet now*Thank you Auntie Jane,xx rachel and Speedy

  3. Lovely cards!! It's a shame you'll have to stop making the Christmas ones.. :( Though I guess you could stock up? ;)
    Keep it up, they look AMAZING!! :D

    1. Oh I will in the new year but for now its time for making birthday cards and valentine cards and easter cards,Merry Christmas Hannah and Willow,xxSpeedy's mum
